My friend wanted to see how my diaper sprayer was hooked up, so I thought I would take pictures and post them here!
Diaper sprayers are a must-have for anyone who cloth diapers a baby on solids! Breastmilk is easily taken care of in the washer, but solids have to be rinsed off first. A diaper sprayer makes life easier! It is also handy for spraying out a potty ;)
Please ignore the super ugly tile and vinyl lol We need to redo the bathroom!
I guy that I work with had fun putting this together for me at the store. I showed him some online and he came up with this. It works great and even has a control lever thing (not sure what to call it) to turn it off. So when the kids decide it might be fun to squeeze the button nothing comes out! Or just adjust the pressure of the water you spray (to avoid it spraying back in your face! lol)
This makes me so glad that our diaper day are done with. ;) Although our sprayer still gets used to spray the wall during bathtime...